Protect your brain from falls, illnesses, and serious injuries

One of our 6 Pillars of Brain Health is the avoidance of Injury, Illness, and Toxins. Illness and injuries can cause major short-term and occasionally long-term setbacks. Toxic gasses and chemical exposures can disrupt healthy brain function, impact behavior, and may lead to long-term neurodegenerative disease. One of our mantras at the Bran Center is falling is never allowed due to the impact a fall can have on our day-to-day lifestyle. Injuries take away independence. And think about all we can do to prevent them!

Here are a few tips to prevent injuries & illness:

  • See your Healthcare Provider: Talk to your doctor about your fall risk if you're an older adult. Check your eyes at least once a year to eliminate fall risks.

  • Exercise: You can do strength and balance exercises to help you stay steady on your feet. Make it fun and exercise with a buddy.

  • Home Safety: Make your home safer by adding grab bars in your bathroom, removing clutter from your floors, installing railings on both sides of any steps, and having plenty of bright lights in your home.

  • Avoid long-term exposure to harsh chemicals. Harmful chemicals can get into your body if you breathe, eat, or drink them or if they are absorbed through your skin.

  • Protect your brain with gear. Wear a helmet when riding a moving object or playing a contact sport. It’s also important to wear your safety belt to prevent injury if in a car crash.


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Brain Awareness Week