Maximize Your Brain Health
Brain Center Handouts
Brain Center Brochure
Pillars of Brain Health
Sleep and Our Brains
Nutrition and Our Brains
Exercise and Our Brains
Stress and Our Brains
Cognitive Stimulation
Protecting Our Brains
Pillars of Brain Health - Kids Edition
Technology Use & Brain Wellness
Pillars of Being a Care Partner
New Handouts Coming Soon!
Local Resources
Alzheimer's Association
Address: 2700 Vernon Dr. Suite 340, Green Bay, WI 54304
Phone: (920) 469-2110
Serving the state of Wisconsin, the Alzheimer's Association provides reliable information and care consultations; supportive services for families; educational opportunities; funding for dementia research; and advocacy efforts for public policy changes across the state. https://www.alz.org/wi
LBDA Lewy General
Is it Lewy? - https://www.lbda.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/is_it_lewy.pdf
Comprehensive LBD Symptom Checklist - https://www.lbda.org/lbd-diagnostic-symptoms-checklist/
NIH Booklet - https://www.lbda.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/lewy-body-dementia-booklet.pdf
An Introduction to Lewy Body Dementia for Newly Diagnosed Patients and Their Families - https://www.lbda.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/facing_lewy_body_dementia_together_brochure.pdf
LBDA Caregiving Publications including Care Briefs - https://www.lbda.org/caregiving-publications/
Some of the publications are also available in print on the Lewy Body Dementia Association website at https://www.lbda.org/order-lbda-materials/
Shared courtesy of the Lewy Body Dementia Association
Find support groups, exercise classes, and other resources near you.
The Brain Injury Alliance of Wisconsin is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals affected by brain injury.