Meet Our Coaches
With each issue of our newsletter, we will highlight our wonderful coaches. In this issue, we will learn more about Dr. Rolf Lulloff and Kathy Hilgenberg.
Meet Dr. Rolf Lulloff
Co-Founder and Lead Volunteer Coach
Through personal and professional experiences I witnessed the traumatic impact of neurodegenerative disease and brain conditions on individuals, loved ones, families and care partners.
Over the course of 40+ years I have poured myself into studying the brain and understanding the science behind good brain performance, cognition and brain health. My motivation was also personal in that I was seeking knowledge and know-how to best care for my wonderful wife, Ann, who developed signs of Parkinson’s Disease at the young age of 36.
With Annie as my inspiration and the backing of fellow co-founders, I was motivated to form a “Center,” a place where people could obtain information and navigational resources as well as learn, set goals and be supported. Neurological diseases are terrible, but Annie taught me so much. If I can impart knowledge, understanding or support to make an experience in dealing with these diseases more manageable - or better yet - prevent the onset of these diseases, I will be making a difference.
I am thankful to be one of the instruments used to establish the Brain Center of Green Bay and I am grateful for the many that have shaped it along the way.
Rolf Lulloff, MD
Meet Coach Kathy, RN
Volunteer Coach
I got into this because my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease and I have a sibling battling the disease. I am also a registered nurse and witnessed the physical and emotional impacts of neurodegenerative diseases on my patients, their spouses and their families. However, my many years of nursing could not have prepared me for the very difficult and personal journey of caring for a loved one.
The journey with my mom started 13 years ago. We were told at that time that there was medication for Alzheimer’s Disease and that a new and better one was being developed and would be available within the year. Sadly, my mom never saw that day. And still after all these years, there have been few medical advancements toward finding a cure.
Through lived experiences with my mom I learned so much. I now believe there is hope in slowing and possibly preventing these devastating brain diseases and conditions. Years of scientific research has revealed to us the lifestyle factors and habits that impact our brains. There are so many things we can and should be doing!
As a member of the volunteer coaching team for the Brain Center of Green Bay, I look forward to educating and supporting people on their life’s journey to better brain health. I feel purpose in being involved with this amazing organization!
Kathy Hilgenberg, RN
Thank you to our wonderful coaches for their commitment and caring!