Committed to Making Brains Better.

The Brain Center is a non-profit community resource dedicated to helping people maximize their brain health and wellness throughout life.

Our approach

The Brain Center of Green Bay is a high-impact not-for-profit organization offering a life-long approach to good brain health. The Brain Center serves as a community resource and local β€œhub” for brain disease and brain conditions. Our work is guided by the C.A.R.E. approach - Collaborate, Advocate, Research, and Educate.

Our Services

The Brain Center provides the community access to expert coaching and trusted education without the associated costs. Due to the generosity of donors, the services and programs of the Brain Center are free of charge and accessible to all. All Brain Center programs and services have been developed in partnership not a duplication of existing resources and offerings in the community.

  • The Brain Center works with individuals, care partners, family members, and groups through its personalized coaching program.

  • The Brain Center is an educational resource for community partners including schools, employers, churches, retirement facilities, community centers, nonprofit agencies, and groups seeking to learn more about optimizing brain health.

Our Resources

The Brain Center of Green Bay strives to be the hub of education for those seeking out information on and about Neurodegenerative Diseases (NDD), brain health, and other chronic diseases.

Here at the Brain Center of Green Bay, we have taken the time to pull together resources we think are most helpful including recommended reading (see below), research articles foods that are good for your brain and so much more. Please stop by the Brain Center of Green Bay for more insight into brain health.

Because of your generosity, our programs and services can thrive and be offered to the community at no charge.