Who We Are

The Brain Center is a non-profit, high-impact organization committed to making brains better. The Brain Center serves as a community resource and local “hub” for brain disease and brain conditions. Our work is guided by the C.A.R.E. approach - Collaborate, Advocate, Research, and Educate.

We do this by collaborating with local, regional, and statewide organizations and healthcare providers to maximize resources, elevate ideas and raise awareness of neurodegenerative diseases. 

We advocate for those impacted with brain disease and challenging brain conditions - seeking understanding, support, and inclusion.  

We promote research and the advancement of science in the search for cures and finding a better way. 

And we educate, proactively equipping people of all ages, across all generations, with information to best care for their brains throughout life.

Who We Are Not

The Brain Center is not a medical clinic. Any lifestyle or treatment changes should be discussed with a healthcare provider.

Our Programs and Services

Personalized Coaching

The Brain Center works with individuals, care partners, family members, and groups through its personalized coaching program. Research shows the incorporation of good brain health practices directly translates to better overall health. More and more science is indicating the way we live our lives - our good and bad habits - has a significant impact on the development of neurodegenerative disease. 

Coaching focuses on nutrition and lifestyle-dependent factors such as physical exercise, cognitive stimulation, restorative sleep, stress management, social interaction, and the avoidance of injury. Our volunteer coaching crew consists of both practicing and retired members of the medical community. 

Community Education

The Brain Center is an educational resource for schools, employers, and groups seeking to learn more about optimizing brain health. We do this in collaboration with many wonderful local non-profit agencies as well as local healthcare providers. The Brain Center offers a variety of educational programs and presentations on topics for all ages. Presentations can be personalized for specific audiences and needs. 


Having Impact


Very Berry Brain Healthy Smoothie